Discover how we support the path towards electric vehicles thanks to Newtwen Digital Twins based solutions.  

30% EVs BY 2030

By 2035 EU is committing the phase out of fossil fuels propelled vehicle. By 2025, all new vehicles are expected to be connected, and by 2030, 30% will likely be electric.

Find out how to support vehicle electrification through NEWTWEN’s embedded Digital Twins software solutions.

Software to boost electric mobility service

Software will become the main profitability growth driver for automakers.

Digital technology is becoming the differentiator especially when it comes to additional services and it is estimated to drive profitability growth for automakers: the goal is to become high-tech software companies from hardware manufacturer. (Gartner, 2022)

Regulations will increase e-mobility market

EUROPE FIT FOR 55 PACKAGE: as part of the European Green Deal, with the European Climate Law the EU has set itself a binding target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. As an intermediate step towards climate neutrality, the EU has raised its 2030 climate ambition, committing to cutting emissions by at least 55% by 2030.

VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS AMBITIOUS ELECTRIFICATION PLANS: 18 out of the world’s top 20 vehicle manufacturers, which represented around 90% of new car registrations in 2020, have started plans to widen their EVs models’ portfolio.

SUPPORTIVE REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS: by the end of 2020, more than 20 countries had announced bans on the sales of conventional cars or mandated

NEWTWEN solutions for:

Lack of a real-time reliable control systems

Current control systems fail to safeguard products where a sensor cannot be installed and therefore an accurate feedback control of the key parameters cannot be carried out. Here are just two examples:

-) Motor cooling is pivotal to increase efficiency, decrease failures and save battery power. However, it is not physically possible to measure rotor temperature

-) Junction temperature temperature in power converters is the most critical parameter and it must be maintained under standard limits. However, their temperature is estimated or unknown, and huge safety margins are kept

Lack of reliable real-time data

Nowadays, it is not possible to measure key operating parameters where a sensor cannot be installed.

This leads to a lack of knowledge on the real behaviour of e-powertrain’s components and to the non-implementation of optimization strategies both in the design and in the operational phase. All of this causes:

-) an increase of manufacturing costs due to the oversizing

-) a reduction of engine and battery performance

-) a reduction of components’ lifespan

State of Health

Today, EV users can’t have a clear view of the state of health of their vehicles’ motor and battery

Key components underperforming

Precautionary operational strategies are allowed and applicated on vehicles thus usually it underperformed to avoid putting key components at risk

Absence of e-motors battery conditions

Used-EV market is underdeveloped due to the absence of information on the conditions of the e-motors and batteries, which makes buyers expect low quality vehicles


A disruptive software solution which automatically generates embeddable digital twins on-chip compilers for fast system prediction for electric motors and supporting any type of machine


A disruptive software solution provides an embeddable digital twin on-chip compiler for fast system prediction which automatically generates digital models for power electronics of any type

Key benefits

Newtwen solutions lead automotive companies and manufacturers to unleash their full potential

Our monitoring and predictive analytics solutions are based on Digital Twins working as virtual-sensors, which allow to estimate with unprecedented accuracy relevant values in critical points where otherwise impossible to measure them.


EMBEDDABLE DIGITAL TWINS ON CHIP FOR REAL-TIME CONTROL: our effort to reduce the computation load of our models has allowed us to integrate our DTs on small chips, easily integrated into the hardware. This allows real-time dynamic control and to increasingly learn the behaviour of the specific asset for optimized performances.

ACCURATE SELF-LEARNING CONTROL: precise temperature management enables to peak and continuous power improvements.


  • extending lifespan by at least 20%
  • reduction of engine size up to 15-20% thanks to operational optimization
  • reduction of battery capacity up to 7-10%
  • physical sensor integration avoidance

LESS WORKING HOURS: our platform saves a tremendous number of working hours for the thermal modelling and reduce the development time for orders of magnitude

We support Sustainable Development Goals

Our strategy and sustainability priorities support and align with the United Nations Sustainable development goals

  • Higher clean energy conversion and use
  • Decarbonisation of hard-to-abate industries
  • Energy efficiency and safety in the built environment
  • Climate neutrality in the land use Water
  • Gas and indoor air management/monitoring systems
  • Green digital technologies

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. More focused attention is needed to improve access to clean and safe cooking fuels and technologies for and to expand the use of renewable energy.

Inclusive and sustainable industrialization, together with innovation and infrastructure, can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income.

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Cities and metropolitan areas are powerhouses of economic growth, however they also account for about 70 per cent of global carbon emissions.

Take urgent action to cambat climate change and its impatcts.